Posts Tagged ‘journaling’


Books of the Year… and a move

December 7, 2021

Hi all, I’m taking a blog hiatus but hope you’ll join me on Patreon. I’ve posted a link to my Patreon post about the best books of the year. You can also always do a search and find me at Journal Juice on Patreon. The website was designed to help artists, writers, and musicians among others. My page, Journal Juice, offers journaling prompts and activities, inspiration, interviews with other creative people, videos and more.

Take a look!

Happiest of holidays,



Journals: what and how to journal

September 24, 2011

What do you write about in your journal? In order to answer my own question, I hunted

through my stash of old notebooks and discovered a plethora of ideas. Not only did I have traditional diaries with covers designed in pink polka dots and bursting flowers, but I had journals filled with odd organizational tips. Call me obsessive, but I found notebooks about the following subjects:

-personal musings


-ideas for writing

-character sketches

-Christmas ideas

-important dates (birthdays and the like)



-notes to my kids

-notes to my dad

-home improvements

-travel ideas

Be relieved to know that I’ve since consolidated. I now have one journal with tabs for most of my subjects. As a paper girl, I can’t completely convert to the keyboard, but I’m trying.

Journal writing can be used for almost any kind of organization. A journal gives you a place to write anywhere, anytime. As a certified writing geek, I even keep a journal in the glove compartment of my car. One never knows when the next Newberry or Pulitzer Prize idea will strike. My suggestion? Buy a journal, although just one. Organize with tabs. Write.

And write some more.