Archive for January, 2014


visual quotes

January 27, 2014

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Books for the New Year

January 18, 2014

Many book reviews list favorites at the end of the year. I like the idea, but often can’t remember back to yesterday, let alone recall books I’ve read and loved during the past twelve months.

If I had to name a few, my choices for 2013 would include Wonder as my favorite middle grade read and Fault in our Stars as my top YA novel. I loved the YA memoir, Rapture Practice and Ann Patchett’s collection of essays in This is a Story of a Happy Marriage. But still, it’s hard to choose.  Heck, 2013 already seems like eons ago. My menopausal brain is definitely not that strong.

However, I have come up with an idea to help poor memory in 2014. Log a list of favorite reads. Want to join me? As you plow through the new year, record your best books. I’ll do the same and post a ‘swap and share’ blog at the end of the year.

Ready, set, go.