Archive for May, 2012



May 28, 2012

Although it might not be official, in my book, summer’s here! Bring out the white jeans, the tanning oil (whoops, I meant sunscreen), and the nostalgia.

One of my favorite summer memories involves a rainy day in Michigan at a tiny cottage my family rented for two weeks every year. Sunny days were spent in the lake or sitting on a dock reading Archie comics, but the rainy days weren’t bad either. I’d find myself curled up my bunk-bed reading the scariest, most exciting book I’d brought with me. As cold rain pelted the old tin roof overhead, I’d get lost in Amityville Horror or some other haunted house that came alive on the page.

In honor of the summer read, I salute the thriller. I don’t read many of them anymore, so my list involves oldies and classics. Enjoy the horror!

The Shining   

Eye of the Needle

Silence of the Lambs

Are You in the House Alone?

The Spy Who Came in from the Cold


In Cold Blood

Andromeda Strain

War of the Worlds


Count of Monte Cristo

Silence of the Lambs

And then there were None

A Time to Kill

The Stand



Marathon Man

The Hunger Games



May 17, 2012

You must find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible.  -Deepak Chopra

Books aren’t written, they’re rewritten. Including your own. It is one of the hardest things to accept, especially after the seventh rewrite hasn’t quite done it… – Michael Crichton

If you read good books, when you write, good books will come out of you. –Natalie Goldberg