Archive for July, 2013


Someone Stole my Title

July 31, 2013

My latest manuscript has changed names four times. Yes, four freakin’ times. When I finally hit my favorite and received rave reviews from my writing community, wouldn’t you know it? A new book released by a famous author with MY title.


It happens. As writers we must persevere and keep searching for the Holy Grail of titles. It’s important. People will pick up a book because of its title. So, how do you do?


  • Make a list of characteristics that make your book unique. Is it funny? Fantastical? Dark? The title should reflect the book in some way.
  • Use your computer’s thesaurus to begin making a list of words that you associate with your book.
  • Carry a journal with you (or use your smart phone notes) to copy restaurant names, titles of other books, and articles you read.
  • Create a master list of ideas and highlight various words or phrases. When matched together, they may create a clever ring
  • Ask your critique group to vote on your top five and voila! You have yourself a title.


And in the unfortunate even that it’s stolen, cry. Then look at your list and start again. It will be even better.




Tell your Teen there’s Still Time to Read this Summer!

July 19, 2013

If your teen is getting bored walking around town with friends (never!), suggest a few of the following fabulous YA reads:


The Fault in Our Stars

The Scorpio Races

Anna and the French Kiss

The Moon and More

The Sacrifice


The List

Shatter Me, Unravel Me

Perks of Being a Wallflower

Before I Fall

It’s Kind of a Funny Story

The Book Thief

Divergent Series



Don’t forget to check with your local library—they have great reading lists.