Archive for December, 2009


Ho Ho Ho…

December 10, 2009

The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves happy. The amount of work is the same. –Carlos Castaneda

Well if the amount of work is the same, I’ll take happy. Any day. Truth be told, life’s been a little rough lately. Like most moms, extra work and not much time have dominated my life. Holiday energy can be great, until it’s not. I love this time of year and yet the gifts to buy, decorations to adorn, and the meals to make can overwhelm even the superist of super moms. So why do we do it?

Like Carlos, I’ve reaped a new perspective and do what I love. I sing Falalala very loud. Write. And I spend time with my family and friends. What I don’t like? Overly tired kids.  Bah Humbug people. Traffic. Plus, one cookie party is enough, isn’t it?  Who cares if we skip bows and ribbons? Isn’t it more important to cut paper snowflakes with our kids than prepare the Martha Meal? Let’s cut down on the holiday hubbub that makes us miserable and spend the extra time making happy.

Maybe we should all order pizza to celebrate. After all Canadian Bacon’s a distant cousin of the holiday ham, right? Either way, emphasizing the happy may be the key to survival during the season of light. Think Joy. And above all the reason for the season.