Archive for April, 2013


Take Charge of Your Writing

April 28, 2013
  1. Carve out time to write, even if it’s only fifteen minutes a day.
  2. Create an atmosphere for good writing habits (no laundry allowed).
  3. Be flexible. If you can’t focus on a chapter, write a character sketch instead.
  4. Observe.
  5. Read.
  6. Subscribe to a new blog.
  7. Join a critique group.
  8. Sign up for a class or a workshop.
  9. Edit your work, again.
  10. Write.

Twitter Me

April 20, 2013

Help! I’ve been sucked into twitter! Why this is a good thing for you? I’m following lots of agents, editors, and writing folk,  often re-tweeting the really good stuff.


So, please follow me! and search carrie brown-wolf!

