Archive for March, 2015


Night Writes

March 16, 2015

Like many writers, there are nights I can’t sleep. I ruminate; think about my characters, my kids, my teaching job, and sometimes, I’ll obsess about the little things in life—like world peace. Other nights, I compose long letters or witty, creative comebacks that I’d wished I’d said to people, but never did. And during a few sleepless hours, like tonight, I get up and write.

The middle of the night provides a dark, quiet space where mysterious magic can happen. When I find myself caught in the web of midnight mania, I go with it, letting go of plot and voice and structure and other writerly work. Instead, I write my stream of consciousness, fingers flying. Eventually, my eyes tire and I wander back to bed, falling into a deep sleep. The next day I read my words, many of them silly and useless, but often I recognize a nugget of creativity, inspiring better plot and voice and structure in my working manuscript.

I don’t recommend nightly trips to the computer, but on occasion they can prove useful, at least more useful than the running to do list. That never changes.


Books with Impact

March 1, 2015

About six months ago, I was nominated to list 10 books that impacted my life. Unlike the ice bucket challenge, this was one task I could handle. Although narrowing it down proved difficult, I managed to create a list of great reads that, after reading them, left me ready to step into action and/or personally changed my beliefs in some way.

In no particular order, here’s my list; six months late.

The Year of Magical Thinking: Joan Didion
Zeitoun: Dave Eggers
Phenomonal Woman: Maya Angelou
Stolen Lives: Malika Oufkir
Olive Kitteridge: Elizabeth Strout
Speak: Laurie Halse Anderson
Two Boys Kissing: David Leviathan
A Christmas Carol: Charles Dickens
Awakening: Cate Chopin
The Little Rabbit Who Wanted Red Wings: Carolyn Sherwin Bailey

I nominate YOU to share your list here!