Archive for the ‘creativity’ Category


Books of the Year… and a move

December 7, 2021

Hi all, I’m taking a blog hiatus but hope you’ll join me on Patreon. I’ve posted a link to my Patreon post about the best books of the year. You can also always do a search and find me at Journal Juice on Patreon. The website was designed to help artists, writers, and musicians among others. My page, Journal Juice, offers journaling prompts and activities, inspiration, interviews with other creative people, videos and more.

Take a look!

Happiest of holidays,



8 Suggestions to Create a New Normal

April 13, 2020

apricot fruits on bowl

Photo by Lum3n on

If you’re like me, the novelty of quarantine has worn off. My young adult kids are restless, missing the worlds they created for themselves. We’ve worked and puzzled and gamed and cooked. Now what? The days blend. Time means nothing.

But it can.

Finding a rhythm that works can improve physical and mental health. It can help you focus and make better sense of time.

As you set a plan for yourself, keep in mind a few things…

  1. Wake up at the same time every day
  2. Drink lots of water and eat healthy food (believe me, I spent a month eating bread,            which—yum—but not so good for inflamed tissues)
  3. Set specific hours for work, breaks, and play
  4. Stretch, walk, and dance (or whatever cardio makes you feel good)
  5. Try working in different parts of the house
  6. Create small rituals to set the day apart from other moments in time
  7. Music can shift a mood in a heartbeat- play some
  8. Forgive yourself when none of this works

Whatever you do—avoid groups of people.

Coronavirus is not done with us yet. Stay safe.