Archive for the ‘art’ Category


Books of the Year… and a move

December 7, 2021

Hi all, I’m taking a blog hiatus but hope you’ll join me on Patreon. I’ve posted a link to my Patreon post about the best books of the year. You can also always do a search and find me at Journal Juice on Patreon. The website was designed to help artists, writers, and musicians among others. My page, Journal Juice, offers journaling prompts and activities, inspiration, interviews with other creative people, videos and more.

Take a look!

Happiest of holidays,



Emerging Beauty: Find beauty in your world. It’s there. Post 14: what to do now?

April 1, 2020

silhouette photo of jumping person during twilight hour

Photo by Vlad Bagacian on

Happy April 1! Too bad the pandemic’s not a dark and terrible April Fool’s joke.

Today’s the last post of my “quarantine” series, Emerging Beauty. We’ve survived 14 days- kudos! That said, the pandemic is far from over, so what do we do now?

Here’s a top 10 list:

  1. Stay well! Stay home until all is clear… which could be awhile
  2. Keep communicating; use the phone, zoom, facetime or any other form of technology to help you connect with others
  3. Get outside and appreciate life; it’s all around us
  4. Embrace where you are, forgive yourself for the moments you aren’t okay
  5. Set a schedule (even if it’s only one event a day). It’s not about the number of activities; it’s about embracing a strategy for growth
  6. Try something new. I’ve posted lots of links to all sorts of happenings—try one
  7. Take a bath followed by a nap
  8. Read a book. Do a puzzle. Cook something new. Listen to different music. Dance.
  9. You might not be part of the medical community, but you can volunteer in other ways: cook someone a meal, send an inspirational note, if able- contribute money (I have attached links here), reach out and talk to someone lonely, help local shelters and food banks, reach beyond our borders- it’s a global pandemic, and we’re all in this together. Five Links to organizations in need (if none of these seem a good fit for you, find another- there’s a lot of need and as little as $10 helps):
      1. This organization helps undocumented workers who work hard. I volunteer for them and can fully vouch for their dedication to the community.  –
      1. Another great local (via national) organization started by my MOM!

3. Given the quarantine, we can expect domestic violence and violence                 against women and children to increase. – “Every 73 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted. And every 9 minutes, that victim is a child.”

4. This one gives food to the elderly who are shut inside their homes.           

      1. We need the CDC!!! “The CDC Foundation is an independent nonprofit and the sole entity created by Congress to mobilize philanthropic and private-sector resources to support the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s critical health protection work.


  1. Last, but not least: GET POLITICAL! We must flip the leadership in this country. The time is now. Act Blue is one of my favorite links, because it reaches campaigns that need it the most.

I promise not to go away, but instead of posting every day for 14 days, I’ll post once every 14 days.

Stay well. Find emerging beauty.
