Archive for January, 2020


What I DON’T Know About my Word of the Year

January 2, 2020
books sculpture write reading

Photo by Negative Space on

Choosing a word is not new to me. Some years, my friends and I deliberate for weeks, trying to find the most appropriate guiding word for the new year. We offer suggestions, look at lists, and think long and hard about what word embraces our moods, hopes, and visions.

This year, I took a different approach.

I found a word that popped from a long list of words. I didn’t think about it. I didn’t ponder or gauge or assess the definition it might or might not deliver throughout the year.

Sometimes, going with our gut and following our intuition provides powerful and significant meaning—more meaning, perhaps, than any analysis could provide.

My word is harmony. I don’t know why. I don’t know if it will relate to my work or my family or my health or music or if I should actively be seeking more harmony in my life. But I’ll find out. When we choose to embrace the unknown and follow some sixth sense the universe sends our way, magic can happen.

Do one of these words pop for you?

Be                                Seek                            Bliss                            Grow

Joy                               Rise                             Survive                        Intuition

Thrive                          Bounce                        Peace                          Value

Gratitude                    Meditate                     Intention                     Love

Appreciate                  Harmony                     Shine                           Balance

Connect                       Bold                             Wander                       Imagination

Dazzle                         Clarity                          Organize                     Strong

Faith                            Adventure                   Breathe                       Create


Don’t think about it—just go for it. A guiding word for the year can deliver magic.

I’m ready, you?