Posts Tagged ‘perseverance’


Fear of Self

May 8, 2014

I recently had an enlightening conversation with a new-found friend and fellow writer. My friend, let’s call her Jo, writes professional blogs and articles, does press releases for various companies as a freelance writer, and is a ghostwriter. She’s successful.

What Jo doesn’t do, is write for herself. Not only that, but she told me that she’s afraid to write her thoughts, her emotions, and her own stories for publication. Jo’s no dummy and knows she could and probably should write for herself. So what’s holding her back?


Fear that her voice is not worthy. Fear that her words will mean nothing. Fear that she’ll be mocked. Fear of her own self. Fear of her power. Fear of  success.

I too, suffered from such fears. For me, I was afraid to speak up, so I wrote instead. After good hard living and a few slaps of snow in the face, I can happily say, I speak and write with no abandon. Do I get mocked and rejected? You bet. It’s part of the process just like it’s part of life. I’ve also come to realize that my words matter. Everyone’s do. If fear is holding you back, embrace it and strike forth anyway!


What it Takes

February 26, 2010

A strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug.  –Patricia Neal

For years my daughter skied, and loved it. Then she began to race and loved it even more.

On training days Ellie would fall, get up, and do it all over again. Her hair would poke stiffly from her helmet as icicles formed. While other kids complained of bitter cold and white-out conditions, she’d persevere. Ellie didn’t win much, but she’d give it her best and smile while doing it.

Over the last year or two, Ellie’s determination, mental attitude, and hard work began to change her skiing. Watching my daughter has inspired me. Hard work is hard. People talk a lot about it. But doing it is something else entirely.

Speeding down a mountain with nothing but a helmet to protect her, makes Ellie’s work not only hard, but dangerous. Depending on the day she must endure wicked temperatures, blazing sun, or heavy snow. She sacrifices things other 12-year-olds take for granted. If she’s not at school, she’s on the hill. Exhausted, she gets up at the crack of dawn to do it all again. That’s the kind of passion and perseverance to make miracles happen.

Just last week Ellie qualified for the Junior Olympics.