Posts Tagged ‘Gayle Forman’


Summer Reads: Contemporary YA

May 18, 2014

I love offering good reads. For me, the most difficult part is knowing when to shut-up already.  I have a hard time limiting my list. With summer here, I’ve chosen a dozen books to recommend in the same genre that I write: contemporary, young adult fiction. However, you don’t need to be seventeen to enjoy these reads. I’m not a book reviewer, so search the internet for best reviews, but I promise—you won’t be disappointed reading any of these books.


Two Boys Kissing:  David Levithan

Fangirl: Rainbow Rowell

Wild Awake: Hilary Smith

Hold Still: Nina LaCour

Virtuosity: Jessica Martinez

Just One Day: Gayle Forman

Roomies: Sara Zarr and Tara Altebrando

Panic: Lauren Oliver

Doll Bones: Holly Black (this is actually middle grade)

Out of the Easy: Ruta Sepetys (this is historical fiction- but recent history)

Sex and Violence: Carrie Mesrobian

Charm & Strange: Stephanie Kuehn


Happy summer reading!